katy perry singer artist fact biography1. American singer and songwriter Katy Perry’s full name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. She was born to Keith and Mary Hudson in Santa Barbara, California on Thursday, October 25, 1984.

She was raised in a very conservative family where she was not even allowed to listen to music or read Harry Potter.

She started singing at church at an early age of 9 and continued to be a gospel singer till the age of 17. Hence, gospel music was all she was allowed to listen to as a child.

Kate Perry Facts - Biography

Kate Perry Facts – Biography

2. Celebrities these days are obsessed with social media websites. They have become regular users of websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Katy Perry is no different. She maintains an active twitter account to keep in touch with her fans. In October 2012, it was revealed that the twitter account of Katy Perry has the third highest number of followers after Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. She has approximately 30 million followers.

3. When one talks about Katy Perry, how can one forget to talk about her fashion sense? Katy Perry is known to wear the most weird outfits, which she considers her own unique unconventional style. She usually wears bright colors and likes to dress up to represent different decades. In addition, how can one forget her love for fruit accessories as part of her costume? She is well known to change her hair color on a regular basis though she is naturally a blonde.

4. Katy Perry a gay activist. She is also one of those celebrities to have voted “NO” to Prop 8, which was an amendment put forward in the state of California to declare that a marriage can only be between a man and a woman. She backed President Obama in recent elections, as he was a supporter of homosexual marriage. Not only that, Katy Perry was also seen kissing Whoopi Goldberg in 2008 after her performance on TV.

5. Katy Perry married British comedian Russell Brand on October 23, 2010 in Rajasthan, India while they were on a vacation there. The ceremony was carried out in a traditional Indian way. However, they both filed for a divorce after just 14 months of marriage. The reason, as hinted by Katy Perry, behind their divorce was related to starting a family. She is now currently dating singer John Mayer.

6. Katy Perry entered The Guinness World Book of Records in 2010. She made her entry as the “Best Start on the US Digital Chart by a Female Artist.” Her first two singles earned her the entry by selling more than 2 million digital copies.

7. Katy Perry and Avril Lavigne are female singers with their own distinctive styles. Apart from their different music styles, both also have a different taste when it comes to fashion. However, when Katy Perry was starting out with Columbia Records, the record label wanted her to be the next Avril Lavigne, which obviously was rejected by Katy Perry.

8. The first impression is the last impression, we have often heard that. Wonder what Katy Perry was thinking when she met her manager for the first time and performed cartwheels and splits in the manager’s office.

9. No one can deny the immense popularity of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. So what do Michael Jackson and Katy Perry have in common? Both Katy Perry and MJ hold the record of having an astonishing 5 number 1 hits from a single album on Billboard Top 100. Michael Jackson’s album “Bad” had 5 #1 songs on Billboard Top 100 and Katy Perry’s album “Teenage Dream” did the same. However, MJ stayed on top of the list for only seven weeks while Katy Perry did the same for 18 weeks. This also makes her the only female singer in history to have 5 hits from a single album.

10. Katy Perry has 4 tattoos. She has ‘Jesus’ tattooed on her left wrist, a tattoo on the left arm in Sanskrit which means “Go with the Flow”, a strawberry tattooed on her left foot and on her right foot, a peppermint tattoo.

11. There are some celebrities whose presence is often considered inappropriate for kids. Guess that’s what the production team at the famous children’s show “Sesame Street” felt when Katy Perry shot a segment for the show back in 2010 as a guest. The producers refused to run the segment citing that it was inappropriate for children’s viewing.

12. Katy Perry has a pet cat named Kitty Purry. She loves her cat dearly and is often seen giving Kitty haircuts. Not only that, Kitty Purry has her own blog and was also nominated for Teen Choice Award in the category of Best Celebrity Pet in the year 2009.

13. Did you know what Katy Perry uses to stay fit? A jumping rope. She uses the jumping rope to keep her physically fit and have a flawless body.

14. The majority of the team managing Katy Perry, has been with her from the very beginning.

15. It is a well-known fact that Katy’s parents were Pastors. However, long before they became pastors, Katy’s mother was in a relationship with musician Jimi Hendrix. Also Katy’s father used to be a drug dealer.

16. Katy Perry sure knows how to keep and please her friends. She loves mixing CDs for her friends. According to some of her close friends, she makes the best CD mixes and is known to have great taste in music.

17. Most celebrities would go out, hang with their friends, get some drinks, just to have fun. Katy Perry is a bit different. Surprisingly she loves to clean for the sake of fun. She loves to clean around the house, vacuum, do the dishes and other chores. She is said to have a high sense of personal hygiene.

18. Katy Perry dropped out of school when she was only 15 and left home at the age of 17 to pursue her musical career. Thus, she never completed her education. May be that is why she is very poor at spelling.

19. Wonder where all Katy’s outfits go after she is done with them? She gives them away to her backstage crew.

20. When her song “I Kissed a Girl” came out, it became wildly popular amongst fans. Even today, when she performs the song during her concerts, cherry chap-sticks are often thrown at her by her fans.

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